The ‘Muse’ Hive

Here at Bemuse, we have been busy exploring our connection to nature and ways of giving back. Working together with beekeeping experts at Bee1, we now have our very own Hive at an apiary situated at 800-acre heritage site above the Neath valley, Wales. The “Muse” hive is home to c20,000 honeybees and will represent the continuation of our intention to support biodiversity and inspire others to do the same.

Muse Hive

Bees and other pollinators are essential for pollinating most of our fruit and vegetables but are facing a rapid decline and need our help. Just as we need theirs! Everyone can do their bit to help support these precious inspiring creatures that have also helped to make our drink so curiously unique. From creating simple bee hotels in gardens and urban spaces, to scattering bee bombs full of wildflower seeds to attract pollinators into new or existing green spaces…

Our busy little muses will pollinate c200million local plants flowers and fruit within a five-mile radius! The Bees won’t leave the hive now winter is approaching - instead, they will gather around in a cluster and gently vibrate their bodies keep each other and the Queen warm. Follow the Muse News on how they are getting on….